Whitelabel option customer on-demand

Whitelabel option customer on-demand

In QDC we have many white-label options for Customer On-Demand which gives you the flexibility to customize the On-Demand application matching with your brand theme.

Followings are the screens and options which can be white-labeled:

Splash Screen:

  1. Application Theme Color: This is the base color of the application. 
  2. Your Brand logo: You can choose your brand logo which blends with the application theme

Select your nearest location screen:

  1. Locality and Sublocality: Locality and sub locality helps the customer to find the nearest store which exists in his locality to take advantage of your services.

Home Screen:

  1. Application Theme Color: This is the base color of the application.
  2. Button Color: You can choose a color as per your brand theme for all the buttons.
  3. Title Image: You can choose the title image suitable for your brand.
  4. Promotional Image: This section will take only 3 static non-clickable banner images.
  5. Service Icons Images: These icons will be mapped with the services coming from the QDC software.
  6. WhatsApp Number: This button initiates a WhatsApp chat.
    (Note: Button will be the same as the application theme color.)

Request/ Schedule Pick-up Screen:

  1. Extension of pickups days: Currently a customer can schedule for a pickup up to 7 days.